Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fall Turkey Shoot

The turkey shoot was this past weekend. We had a great time despite the low attendance. Where was everybody? The running deer target was a huge success. It worked great and was a lot of fun to shoot. If you missed it, I highly recommend trying it next year. The kids shoot was fun, too. Everyone shot well and won some nice prizes: 1st place Eric Stuck$25 Bass Proshops gift card; 2nd Danielle Riegel turkey; 3rd Teddy Stuck $15 Bass Proshops gift card; and lots of .22 cal shells were won by most shooters. Sorry no photos-- forgot the camera.

Hope to see you at the next shoot.


1 comment:

KGT (aka Cagey) said...

How many people did we have? I thought there were quite a few... but I haven't seen past years. Anyway, it was lots of fun!