Monday, August 26, 2013

DEC Announces Changes to September Canada Goose Hunting Seasons

DEC Announces Changes to September Canada Goose Hunting Seasons

Special Measures Adopted to Address Overabundant Goose Populations Statewide

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Joe Martens today announced several significant changes to September Canada goose hunting seasons throughout the state. The season dates are similar to past years, but higher bag limits and other special measures will be allowed this year because local-nesting (a.k.a. "resident") Canada goose populations remain too high in many areas. The updated regulations are now posted on the DEC website.
"When DEC established the September goose hunting season in the early 1990s, New York's resident Canada goose population was estimated to be around 130,000 birds, but today we have more than 200,000 birds," Commissioner Martens said. "New York waterfowl hunters annually take more than 50,000 Canada geese during the September season, and we hope the changes adopted this year will enable hunters to take even more to help reduce the population."

DEC's management efforts are working toward a reduction in the population to eventually hit approximately 85,000 birds to alleviate the variety of problems they are causing in urban, suburban and rural areas.