Wetlands -They Protect us - Help protect Them- a conference April 10, sponsored by CLWN and IO.
Tour of Canoga Marsh 9:30-11:30
Meet Keith Tidball at 3208 State Rte 89 2 miles south of Cayuga Lake State Park, Seneca Falls. Keith's home and barn have a red metal roof - an easy landmark! Map
1:00pm - Tom Jasikoff, Montezuma Refuge (Keynote Address)
1:35pm - Keith Tidball (Citizen Wetlands Restoration)
2:00pm - Andy Buss, Applied Ecological Services, Inc.(Corporate Wetlands Restoration)
2:25pm - Jon Negley (Farm Wetlands Management)
2:50pm - BREAK (cookies, fruit, beverage courtesy of the IO)
3:00pm - Panel discussion including above speakers and Kris West (FLLT); Darby Kiley (WRC and IO); Peter Klienman (ARS), Dan Delawyer (Ducks Unlimited)
Cash bar and informal discussions following the conferencePoster Link
Sunday, April 4, 2010
BABY BOTTLES are no challege for K-Town members!!! The BIBS match our shoes!!!
Welcome to Kuneytown Sportsman's Club. Established in 1970. Kuneytown is a sportsman's club dedicated to preserving our hunting and fishing heritage. We are dedicated to educating and involving our youth in the outdoors so generations to come can enjoy it as members have in the past. For membership information, please contact Eric Riegel at eriegel@rochester.rr.com For questions or assistance about this site, please contact clubhouse@kuneytown.com