July 17, 2009
Kuneytown Sportsman’s Club
Hoster Road
Fayette, NY 13065
Dear Kuneytown Sportsman’s Club Officers and Members,
Thank you for sponsoring me to go to DEC camp this summer. I went to Camp Rushford that is located in western New York, a little south of Letchworth State Park, on the 4,500-acre Hanging Bog Wildlife Management Area.
This was an awesome experience. I learned a lot about how different environments work together. We walked on the Bog, and it was like walking on a huge waterbed. The camp counselor taught us about the different plants that make up the Bog. One flower on the Bog, the lilly, is protected and is $1,000 fine if you pick it. We learned how to make a fire. Even though I thought I already knew how to make one, the counselor taught us better and faster ways. We also learned how to make a shelter out of sticks.
The counselor was really good. He is a professional lumberjack, and has been on TV in competitions. He’s been in fire making competitions where he made a fire in 4 seconds.
Our whole cabin (5 kids and the counselor) did the Polar Swim at 7:00 in the morning every morning in the pond. It was cold!
There was a big owl around the cabins that I got to sit next to me on a log. He actually let me touch him before he flew away.
Thank you again for giving the opportunity to go to this camp. It was an experience I won’t soon forget. I would tell any kid who likes the outdoors to go.
Jake Stuck
My cabin
The Bog where we walked. It's all water underneath (which is hard to see in the picture) and if you step in the wrong place you can fall down through it.
Protected lillies on the Bog
The Bog
The Bog