Here are the rules.
You must be licensed to hunt small game in New York and obey all rules and regulation pertaining to small game hunting.
You will be required to show your license before you can weigh in.
Only enter the squirrel/rabbits that you legally harvested. This is not a team event.
No frozen squirrels or rabbits will be accepted.
No wet squirrels or rabbits will be accepted.
No road killed squirrels or rabbits will be accepted.
No red squirrels will be accepted.
Entry fee is $10.00 for squirrel. Extra $5.00 for lunker.
Amount of entries will determine prize schedule. Less then 5 will result in the event being cancelled. 5 to 9 only heaviest bag 10 to 14 First and second more than 14 first, second and third.
Total bag weight for squirrel and a lunker squirrel category.
Entry fee is $10.00 for Rabbit. Extra $5.00 for lunker.
There will only be heaviest bag and lunker rabbit category. Unless there are 10 or more people entered. Then there will be 1st and second heaviest bag.
Weight in will be at the Kuneytown club house and will start at 1 pm and end at 3 pm on the day of the hunt. Refreshments and food will be available.
You can sign up and pay the entry fees at the club. See Scott Ridley or anyone tending the bar.