Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Third and Final Squirrel and Rabbit hunts results are in

The final squirrel/rabbit hunt, which took place today is now in the books. A very pleasant day it was. Not too cold, not too warm and the sun was out occasionally.

There were eleven people signed up,  with 2 of them being youths. Six people brought in 33 squirrels to be scored and weighted.  The following are the results: 

Tied for first place were Phil Jensen and Shawn Amen each with a limit of six head shot squirrels for 12 points. 

Lunker squirrel was Shawn Amen with a 1.58 pounder.

There were three people entered in the rabbit hunt. Two of them bagged a total of six rabbits. Shawn Amen won both the heaviest bag with 4  rabbits weighting 11.92 pounds and lunker at 3.19 pounds. 

The club provided squirrel stew and venison sausage goulash for those who showed up at the club.

The club collected over 110 squirrel tails during the three hunts and will be sending them to Mepps fishing lures. 

Thanks to everyone who participated in the hunts and remember Saturday March 9, 2019 is the game dinner and $500.00 Bass Pro Gift card raffle.  Hope to see you there. 

Monday, February 18, 2019

1st Annual Chili & Chowder Cook-Off results

Image result for chili cook off
The results are in!

We had a great turn-out for our 1st Annual Chili- Chowder Cook-Off, and thanks to all that came with dishes, or came to taste and judge!

There were 10 entries in the Chili category.
1st Place winner was Scott Ridley
2nd Place (tie) winners were Keith Tidball & Barry Turner

There were 4 entries in the Chowder category.
1st Place winner was Scott Ridley
2nd Place winner was Moira Tidball

Everyone enjoyed some delicious food and a great afternoon of race-watching and hanging out with good friends.  Thanks to Kuneytown member Willie Battle for a great job of conducting the event.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Attention the squirrel/rabbit hunt date has been changed

The next squirrel/rabbit hunt date has been changed to Saturday February 23, 2019.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Results from the February 2, 2019 squirrel/rabbit hunt

The second squirrel and rabbit hunt of the season took place February 2, 2019. 

There were six teams (12 people) signed up,  with 2 of them being youths. Five teams  brought in 33 squirrels to be weighted.  The following are the results:

First Place went to the team of Phil Jensen and Josh Cooley with a limit of 12. For a weight of 15.34 pounds

Second place went to the youth team of Lewis and Scott Martin with nine squirrels. for a weight of 12.18 pounds.

Lunker squirrel went to a youth hunter Lewis Martin with a 1.46 pound squirrel.

No rabbits were entered.

The next and last squirrel/rabbit hunt will be held Sunday February 24, 2019. It will be an individual event using the point scoring system and will include a lunker squirrel category. Rabbit hunt will be an individual event based on weight with a lunker.